Thursday, November 9, 2017

nov 9th in taiwan

For a very extended 2 weeks off to Taiwan, visited Taipei(some call it an evil city), Hualin, calm peace ful and collected, Tainan.  

Taipei, is about shopping and random foods, the hub of everything in Taiwan.  

Hualin was fun we went to the zoo, stayed at the resort and had a good time with the golf carts and hot springs.  I like Allen a lot and his family.  They are very kind and very attentive to the needs of their guest.  Great ministry and met Pastor John's father.  I thought he was going to 

Tainan- Michael and Chiuping were pretty awesome.He took 3 days off of work to take us to random places. Went to the Salt museum, amusement park, had some fresh crab/seafood off the fish farm, and a banquet style meal with some awesome eel noodle along with some other stuff. Met all the family. All the good stuff to eat and even went shrimping. 

The interesting thing about taiwan is about the eating but the bible says :
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or aboutyour body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?

I guess what I've been kinda dreading is coming back to the states.  Exercising all this blubber off and trying to find peace in my situation at home and church again. 

Saturday, September 30, 2017


Interesting day, started off riding in my first niles canyon bike ride.  I did all 6.4 miles.
Leo and Jane had a 2nd baby shower.
Went to K-town bbq, it was ok, wasn't great, wasn't bad.  Maybe worth going again if I got the itch.

Saturday, July 29, 2017


Recently God has been very merciful to me.  and although I can't earn his approval I'm seeking what's next in life.  I know my purpose is to glorify him, but how might I do it, to be fulfilled.  come to God and hear his voice

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Paella Recipe

Awesome Paella recipe
Chicken, really brown
garlic - lower heat
smoke paprika
grated tomatoes
cook tomato for 2 min
saffron, bring to boil
then Rice(short grain)
cook highest heat for 10 min
then low heat for 6min
add rosemary
let it rest for 5 min also

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Do people care?

Friend of mine called me the other day.  He stopped attending our church but apparently people are still reaching out to him.  He questioned why this person is reaching out to him when they had 10 yrs and she never really showed much concern in 10 yrs but now why?

also are people born blind blessed? They don't have to see the and judge the world? they have more pure thoughts?

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


It's about 1.52am , hard to sleep, no scheduled work tomorrow, and Zech just woke up, I'm feeling distance from the heavenly father, and I recognize I don't want to live a mediocre Christian life.
I have been living one, basing much of my faith in the past, not looking forward to my future.  Perhaps I masked it with knowledge, self righteousness.  Right now, not sure what direction I'm going other than I need to seek the Lord, and I have not been doing that.  I keep doing things that I want to do, and trusting in my circumstances.  God shakes me up, Father allow this night to wake me up from my slumber and follow you.  Experience you, not simply to seek after your blessings, but to hear from you.

Help me to be in fellowship with the right people whom you desire.  Help me lead this family, trust you will take care of them, mom, ann, zech, wayne.  Father bless them.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

dream 4.11.17

at the old delores house,
my scion xb was stolen and I saw it at the neighbors, I was contemplating a way to get into the shop and take it back.  i had the key, and wondered how they could hotwire and steal it.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

John Miller Conference 2017

John miller thurs 4-6- 17

Do u want His will to be done

Joy of the lord, lifes not worth it without the joy of the Lord

John Miller Sat 4/8/17 – Don’t be tied to forms just priciples

Pappi use to ride Harley
Ca no longer in drought as of 4/7/17
No need to be complacent
We should always be digging old wells and new wells
We should be seeking new sources of water
You cannot dig a well when it is raining
Times of refreshing when it rains we enjoy, rain is only a season
We enjoy waters from heaven when they come, but that’s not the source

Time of Refeshing,
What creates times of refreshing, is repentencce
Repent thy therefeore times of refreshing may happen
Clensing of hearts for Gods visitation
God has not intended for living in times of refreshing
Thank God he only comes once a year
The time between those times of refreshing when you grow
It’s these times when YOU have to seek, but it’s not easy b/c it’s diff b/c it’s dry
Priciple: That’s the time to dig a well!
The 1st 2 feet of may be really hard, but keep on insisting, maybe even fast and pray through opposition,
But assure you water will always be there, he doesn’t hide, if you seek me you will find me
Does not come 1st hr

Application: The first little devil that comes along is sleepiness
We are in a very special time in history, a time of change, we must define what is our part, where we are located
-We are definitely in a time of change,
-are we even in a change of dispensation?
-we are now living in the dispensation of the gentiles, and there will be an end of time of gentiles according to Jesus
1.     Dispensation: 1.
exemption from a rule or usual requirement.
"although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play two matches"
"a dispensation from the Pope"
2.     2.
a system of order, government, or organization of a nation, community, etc., especially as existing at a particular time.
"scholarship is conveyed to a wider audience than under the old dispensation"
"the new constitutional dispensation"

It was the time of the arabs
There will be a rise of the muslim nations
What dispensation do we belong to, we are not gentiles we are notjews, we are the church, whatever dispensation we are part of it, the church will always be relaveant, before the church was in the dessert
Now the church are part of the gentiles that have been grafted according to paul
-the roots that go way back,
30yrs later Jesus revealed himself
Easter is an ancient is a celebration of Egyptian God isis(she had a son that revived)rabbit and eggs has to do w/ elebration of isis
Easter was a pagan celebration
When Jesus came and revealed himself on the cross
When the curtain was sowed up on the temple, it was a sign of the old and new  comebine together
Old and new , there won’t be1 stone in this temple that you enjoy
It was a symbol of the peak of their glory, Jesus said though not a stone left
Old and the new together, old and new generation together, might seem the same but it’s not , new generation has a diff future than the old generation, some in old generation will cont. and some will join the new generation
Old generation becomes contaimated by forms
Forms destroy the freshness of the spirit, it quenches
And we try to make God form into our doctrine church etc
God starts a new little fire, at 1st old generation is happy but they think old generation joins new gen, but that’s not gonna happen, the old will die, the forms will be unbearable, but new generation is going to be new according  the same
Priciples will always be the same, peace offerings(praise worship,)burnt offering(consecration, surrender), THESE WILL NOT STOP, 12 pillers, priciples, commandments, the new church has decided several decades ago in order to expedite growth, they must kill God, so they laid aside old testament
Newer church has even killed Jesus, and NOW following Paul
John Miller, asks WHY to mega churches leaders, throw out old testament and they answer church old testament
Mega churches: The church starts where Jesus dies, so we don’t need to follow, we follow poly epistles, and they don’t like that part, as soon as we start talking about God’s priciples, people don’t like it, they prfer free, easy, growth, but priciples will always priciples
God priciples are not dead he’s still alive, he still hates sin, Jesus died and reconciled to God but that doesn’t change that he hates sin, if you insist on living in sin, you will pay for it. God’s law continues working,
New does not anul the old, Jesus said I have not come to throw away the law I come to confirm it, we don’t need to offer sacrifices, so we don’t need to splatter blood on carpet every week
-doesn’t change blood pays for sins
Priciples still same, love lord w/ all your heart, no idols, Buddha or money!
-old begins to fade and new comes in , forms change, and always change throughout church history,(dancing to silence)
Westley –every visitation of God produces a new form, when we keep going back then
Old pentacostal- when the spirit came people use to tremble and old school people still do it,
Life in Christ is not a form, it’s continuing renewing!
John Miller been to 12 visitation to God, Pappi was present in many of them
-Pappi prayer, God keep them flexible, 1950 singing hymns, to “heresy”(, NOT) of singing praise, brings out his accordion
-times we are sitting on pews now standing on top of the pews,
-2 yrs later a lot of churches dancing,
-they discovered warfare, we MUST Be renewed, be flexible
-Don’t be Tied to forms
-You can’t put the spirit in a barrier, the spirit Goes where it wants
Back at a time the old existed with the new
3 decades after the cross, the old ended, temple destroyed
Millions of jews grabbed to the old temple, many killed,  or taken to captivity by titus of Rome
-Not one single Christian died though when a million Jews did,
Jesus said when your up in the mountain  and see armies surrounding Jerusalem, don’t dare go back to pick up your things
yr 60- no temple, house left, 30 yr before, when price of houses way up in the bubble, holy spirit began to tell people sell your house
-price of house wortheless once army surrounds, when God tells you to sell your house now ,
People though they were crazy,
-Jesus told them after I die, go to jerruselem and start praying, and until your indued w/power up high, and stay a while and preach in jerusalam, but don’t stay in jerusleme and GET out, then go samaria, Judea,
-He said it very clearly , so some disciples were still Jews and saw the forms
-Paul warns disciples, God is moving out here with the gentiles, peter said you’re crazy, we don’t eat pork
-so God had to show a vision to peter, what I call clean it’s CLEAN, go to cornelias house, but he’s a gentile, I can’t step foot in his house, so he became more flexible
-and he’d go visit Paul at church, and once in a while he’d go to eat pork with Paul, maybe started liking
-Paul talked very hard to Peter, rebuked him, so eventually Peter didn’t realized it, and they reached and agreement, and agreement Paul will accept it, but under condition, can’t eat anything made with blood
-the only thing in old testament that we have in the new testament
-they insisted on staying in Jerusalem, and suddenly famine came in Jerusalem, and famine
-Paul started taking offering, heathen church sustaining the Jerusalem church
-but Jerusalem church was stubborn, b/c that’s the “1st church”
-then persecution came,
-even leaders are hardest thing to acknowledge change, throughout history, 1st form church, persecutes the new form, that’s why we must be flexible
-1st commandment is “hear” o Israel , as u begin to hear u will love
Obedience is result of love
This is beyond feeling much deeper than that

Num 13:moses decided to scout the land, v2 –send a man, v17, good land v 18- see the land they dwell in is good or bad,
-these 10 spys all they saw is difficulty
-were they invicible? Certainly not!
-the greatest battle on earth, a human (Jesus) defeated the greatest giant(death), he went against and overcame
-Paul wrote where is your fear, where is your torture
-Abraham even bought a property near the Giants

-joshua 13:
Caleb wasn’t scared of them
Numbers 13:33 – 10 of them thought they saw Giants
Num 14:1 -
Tribe of Anakan – their pituitary gland doesn’t work well
-Life’s obstacle, you can either see it as Giants or obstacles
-you must make a decision, how are you going to confrton life,
Life is gonna come at you and come at you hard, you will have problems
-you decide you are gonna wither, or believe Jesus conquered and able to defeat every Giant
-It says caleb prayed for the 10 spys
-they gathered pomegranates and figs- do you see problems or opportunities
-Priciple: do you believe Jesus conquered Sin or just a myth at church, how you answer this question will be see whether you are victorious or stumble and fall 
-if you are washed by the blood of the lamb, they have absolutely no power of you
-if you are walking outside of the blood, you are in trouble
-the mouse that roared- book : I’m gonna kill you “united states”
- you are defenseless if you don’t have Jesus
-Romans 8:- what then shall we say, if God for us, who can be against us
The only thing you have to fear, is to be afraid, fear itself
-if you look to Jesus, you are more than conquerors, turn every retreat to and advance
-with God all things are possible
-as you live through this week, meditate, on this!
Joshua 15- tells us the story of caleb, he drove em out and kill those 3, and caleb made announcement, you can give you might Achsah
-he went up against a city
-it’s amazing when you have the power of Jesus Christ
-Joshua became a judge, a nobody to somebody if you have Jesus

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


GOD has really been doing a work, and there was last sun sermon, convicting me that i really am not close to Him lately,
Heart was weary because of lack clients, God provided, i got a reconcilation email from.someone i never would have thought in a million years, Gods hand was clearly on that,

Thursday, February 9, 2017


A sign of a maturing Christian is your relationship with God becomes more and more valuable..naturally you will be doing more things toward God as it becomes more valuable.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Seeking God

As we heard in the conference, to seek God is to get rid of all sin thathinders us from hearing the heavenly father

As my prayer last night after bsf, im going to seek God that i may hear his voice. This morning already had many temptation of breaking laws etc. Lusts of the morning,
1.having A GOOD ATTITUDE with my wife, 2.not driving in carpool lane
3.paying for bart parking
4. Parking in the right parking at starbucks
5. Getting to work on time by running to bart

5 things i typically break or sin in the morning whew! Lets see how the rest of the day goes!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Pastor hugo morning session sat

If we lose hu ger its possible we r satisfied, and lost for the hunger of the lord
- life of christian is extra ordinary
- we have new things ech day

Reflection-I have been slow if not nob existent with my seeking

Holy spirit tells u the manisfistation of Jesus

John 12:
Jesus hid himself so that the greeks would seek him
- where did Jesus go? Dont know u seek himself
How to seek God?
What is seeking mean?

All sin can be removed , but the cross must be bigger!
The liberty is possible
Christ can remove all sin
With an open heart, as if it never existed

Seeking God is- departing every hindrance that prevents God from coming to.ur heart, seeking God is to remove all idols and our heart clensed
Hinder us from.God , or contrary to God

Isiah 1:18-
The problem is not u, is, when the disciples
Fighting cuts the communion with Jesus, with u, with the other, but ill lose it with God
- when u fall i cry when u rise up ,(pickup his wife)
-everything u need in Jesus is in the cross
- whst do u see when y see the cross? Suffering, who told u their wont be suffering
- when u r thirty or hungry, look to the cross
- do not condemn what God has forgiven

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New years 2017

Bambi artist Tyrus Wong dies aged 106


- going to ces, full room thurs night
Zech is healthy, joy is better than late 2016